Monday, August 13, 2018

Mona’s Story : Patanjali Yog gram - in Haridwar reviews July 2018

How I managed to stop hair fall and lost 5 KGs in 7 days!

One of the readers of this blog Monica Chhonkar decided to share her experience and below is her story in her own words.Thanks Monica for the contribution. I'm sure this will help a lot of people.


Dear Folks,
 Finally I am writing about my experience at Yog gram. I am someone who loves food but at the same time do take care what I am putting in my stomach. Doctors are someone I would like to see least and avoid allopathy medicine until its severe. After going through cesarean delivery and then irregular professional routine, I kept on putting weight and then loosing it by gyming. Lately, this process started to make me feel really bored. Second reason is my knee and backache couldn't let me do gyming on regular basis Its when I decided to to opt a sustainable way of keeping myself healthy and fit. I have been thinking to go to Yog gram for quite long but was too relaxed with my surrounding. One day a friend asked me if I would be interested to join her and I instantly said yes for it.

Purpose: Replacement of Gym to Yog. Back ache, Neck pain, Detoxification, Major sleeping disorder (Insomniac), too much hair fall Pre-travel Process to register:

To travel to Yog Gram, one needs to register at their website by filling form with their personal and disease details along with their choice of room selection and its availability. Yog gram has 4 categories in room starting from Rajshri, Muniraj, Mahirishi & Tapasavi Kutiya. Costing starts from Rs.2500 for Tapasvi on twin sharing basis to highest Mahirishi Kutiya costing Rs. 5000. Rates differ on the basis of given amenities. I googled and found one of the blogs which helped me in deciding my stay. Depending on weather conditions, Tapasavi Kutiya is a good option as every other category looks same with the difference of extra living room and some table chairs.

Major difference you will find in other categories is they have Air conditioner and TV but one hardly gets time to utilize both so it’s completely an individual’s wish to choose their stay. After form submission, you will get an email from Yog gram confirming your stay and you can go ahead with the booking by depositing money (their online payment portal is always under maintenance) in their account(details available while submitting the form) and once its done, do update on their website by log in ID and password.. Within a day or two you will get the confirmation of your booking. Please feel free to call their landline for any other kind of clarification.

Some tips about packing -

1) Ladies, pack lot of undergarments along with comfortable gowns as you need to keep them changing 5/6 times depending on your treatment.

2) No point of packing too many fancy dresses as you and your entire body is going to be dipped in Oil most of the times but still totally once choice how do they want to manage. I managed in Two pair of Tshirt and shorts while in treatment center as I did not wanted my all the cloths to stained by Oil and Mud and a pair for gym track and t shirts for yoga sessions.

For man - Nothing to worry much as you can come out of treatment center even in your boxers. Apart from that you can wear anything you are comfortable with except being naked.

14th July, 2018 Journey from Delhi to Haridwar .

I got up at 4, got into the cab at 5 and reached station by 6am. Distance from New Delhi to Haridwar station is 235KM. We boarded Dehradun Shatabdi @ 6.40am from New Delhi Railway station which reaches Haridwar by 11.30 or so. Train journeys are always fun for me as I get that me time to do things. I can be seen while looking outside the window, reading any book which i may carry at my death bed, music, thoughts, eating not so happening shatabdi food, staring railway tracks and listening to their sounds, avoiding to use trains toilet but still have to, search of weird characters etc

. Distance from Haridwar station to yogram is 23 Km. Once you will get down at Haridwar station, lot of Taxi and auto guys will approach you asking for the fare starting from Rs. 800 to 1200. There are autos available too but there is no way of saving money as they will also charge between the same. So as we were four, we made a choice of taking a cab as we each had our individual luggage and also it was about to rain badly. We confirmed a taxi at Rs. 900 and got settled in our cab. 2/3 km away from the station premises, we started to see the beautiful green surrounding, blue sky and white clouds. Views like this always fix my eyes into the places. While looking at the sky, my thoughts started to get wander about how I miss all this so much in Delhi, How I always sleep with a dream in my eyes thinking that I may see blue sky next morning with green grounds and fresh air to breath. Our taxi driver named Raju was quite a fun guy until he started scaring us about how we are going to the central jail. He kept us engaged by telling us the stories about people religion, industries, yog gram. Listening to all these stories we reached Yog gram.

Arrival/Admission -

 At around 1 pm we reached at the Door of the Yog gram. Security guard asked our name and phone number and gave a nod to enter. As soon as we enter in the parking, a guy wearing white uniform and Yog gram had written on his pocket escorted us towards reception. After couple of formalities, we have been advised to reach at “Bhojnalaya “(Canteen) for lunch and consult the doctor at 3 pm.

Entry in Room (Tapasavi Kutiya) After our lunch, we reached our room to keep our luggage with the help of an attendant. The moment we entered in the room we saw an umbrella in black color hanging at the right hand side of the door, a table in front with a water jug, two single bed. It was a simple clean room with basic amenities. We got settled and was waiting to see the doctor.

Doctor's Consultation – Doctor's timing are 9 to 1 am and 3 to 7pm. At the reception, an attendant gave us a form to understand our eating habits & lifestyle. I have been advised to see Dr. Devasis. As per my health condition, he suggested me a diet plan along with treatment. I have been asked to reach Yoga Hall 1 for orientation to know the routine of next seven days.

Orientation Session: We left our room to attend Orientation session. While going towards the Yoga hall 1 in the evening, one cannot be left untouched by the mesmerizing canvases of nature. So at 7.30pm Orientation was done by Sharma ji to make us understand how our routine going to be for next 7 days. By this time I got to know that Sharma ji's sessions are going to be real fun. He was one of the most fun and jolly guy in Yog Gram who helps you to take things little easy.


5pm - Pear Juice
8 pm - Dinner
9 pm - Quath ( A kind of herbal drink)
So this is how first day looked like to me in terms of schedule, food and surroundings. Got to sleep by 10 even if I don’t feel like because our next day was suppose to start at 4am and I was shit scared of getting Enema done.

Day 1 / 15th July, 2018

Some pictures from Day 1

Day Two 16th July, 2018

So it was my sister’s birthday today who was accompanying me on this Trip. Her excitement of her birthday died on the very first day we entered Yog gram. We were feeling little bad as we couldn’t do anything for her but then I came up with an idea of not letting her sit in peace. Idea was I asking every stranger coming on our way to wish my sister and they did it too. So every time any stranger use to come to wish her, she uses to scream my name and stars running. This was indeed fun. Being sick of ghiya, kaddo pale food, she wished to have kadhi in the lunch and guess what??? Whole universe made it happened and she got kadhi in lunch. In Yog gram one of the most important things you wish for is to get less bored food.

Some pictures on Day 2

Birthday trauma

Day Three - 17th July, 2018

Today is the day where a therapy called “Shankh Prachalan” has been give to most of the people (may be not to the one who has high sugar, BP or depending upon age) In this therapy, an individual is supposed to repeatedly perform set of 7 simple Aasan and drink Aawla water until their motion colors looks like the color of water their are drinking which means, one needs to at least go 6/7 times minimum. 

This "Shankh Prachalan" is called shankh because drinking Awla water again and again and then performing these aasans bend your body like a shankh which cleans you intestines from every corner.

Pictures from Day 3
Heard fairy tales from the past with a friend 

Today, I got a chance to interact with one of the most inspiring Human who has donated 25 acres of land to Patanjali in Assam. Losing his memory drastically and still inspiring people to live with a purpose every day. “Botta" this is what you called Bade papa in their language and this is what we called him. Moment. (PS: I met him next day in front of Yoga hall to say hi to him and this time I was nowhere in his memory. Yes nowhere. I was smiling looking at him but he had no idea about that. He looked at me, smiled and left. This moment left me speechless but with lot of thoughts at the same time)

Fourth day / 18th to 20th July, 2018 (3 Days fasting)

Picture from 3 fasting days 

A moment I couldn’t pass without capturing it
Reminded me the scenery we use to make in our childhood except that missing river coming from the mid of mountain.
Scenes like this often in yog gram

7th & the last Day 21st July, 2018

Pictures from last day.

A friend we made – Mr. Kulwant Kaur, Chandigarh (A principle)

Departure to Delhi, 22nd July, 2018
Colors which is going to be missed badly


1)       Good Air quality, surrounded by nature, lot of flowers, beautifully managed.
2)       Its a system driven place and very disciplined. Everything happens on time without any delay.
3)       By the time of your departure, you will become your own doctor till some extent. (Disclaimer : only if you are attentive towards their sessions and don’t crib much)
4)       For any kind of Yoga related query, please feel free to talk to the yog guru's as they are really helpful.
5)       You will feel lighter and cleaner internally by the end of process (Because of too much oiling massage, you skin will glow too, Mine did :)
6)       You will also learn to be your own dietician and will learn to follow the same at home.
7)       Cleanliness is something you will find everywhere. 
8)       It may be too much to say, but you may start treating your body as temple and will start taking care of it.
9)       Attentive extension no. 555. The way I imagined, I couldn’t even think they had an extension number for assistance.

10)    For any kind of emergency, Ambulance and its driver is always standing close to the reception.  
11)    There are treatments for sure but more that it helps you to make your lifestyle better to live healthy life.


You all might have heard this somewhere that "Life is 10% how you make it and 90% how you take it". So every single person is a product of their own experiences and accordingly opinions vary from person to person. I am personally an optimistic person. If I find a flaw in something and I can change it, then problem is solved and if it’s not in my control, then I let it go. Still there are things which I can be taken care:

1)       Try avoiding going to lake at late night as I saw a snake there. 
2)       There treatment center smells so much. At first, I couldn’t figure out what it is but then got to know it was smell of paper they use during massage as sheet.
3)       Enema and Jal neti section are so close to each other and smells so much. I had sense of disgust because of the smell but then you can’t do anything about it. It’s a matter of 10 minutes. 

Personal Gyaan :-

1)       Yog gram runs on the policy that “Stomach is your second brain" so don’t be surprised if you tell them that you have a headache and they ask you to eat an apple or drink lot of water rather giving a medicine. 

2)       Avoid talking to people who are crying and cribbing over food as its like that for some reason and that reason is still unknown for them. 

3)       Keep calm and keep “kaam” se “kaam” at you wouldn’t want to distract yourself from the purpose you are in yog gram. 

4)       It’s okay to leave evening yoga session at times and explore the surroundings. See the sunset, sky, flower, walk alone, sit next to lake, talk to stranger, listen to someone story. (Completely an individual choice but I do that quite often)

5)       Tapasavi rooms are okay to book for certain reasons. Close to yoga hall, canteen & reception, Cost effective and most importantly you won’t get the time to utilize the other accommodation amenities so makes sense.

Remedies by  Dr. Neeraj:

I would be more than happy if this information helps anyone. Till then stay healthy, stay optimistic and Stay content. 
Feel free to throw your questions J